Our Client, Dorset Council, gained Salix funding to carry out decarbonisation works across Dorset County, through the Dorset County Council framework. The carbon reduction plan focused on reducing the leisure centres dependence on natural gas.
The project consisted in the design, manufacture and installation of four bespoke Air Source Heat Pumps (1No 32kw and 3No 55Kw units) a complete reconfiguration and upgrade of the existing pool plant system including new pumps, plate heat exchangers and two high efficiency water heaters. Upgrades to the pool supply and extract ventilation systems and the installation of new IQview8 BMS system, all whilst keeping the leisure centre open and operational. We were provided with an initial design for the ASHP by ESG we completed the design, procurement and manufacture of the ASHP’s in house. We anticipate that on completion the leisure centre will have a significant reduction in energy costs to operate the facility.

We estimate that the Purbeck leisure centres decarbonisation scheme ASHP’s combined with the 184Kw PV array installed earlier in the project by Stepnell & Step Energy will reduce the previous annual energy consumption of 1,386,821 kWh to circa 1,023,912 kWh, a reduction of almost 74%. This amounts to an estimated carbon reduction of 478 tonnes of CO2 the equivalent of planting 16,460 trees.